Monday, April 7, 2008

Life Happens

Well, things have been happening around here.

We spent a very enjoyable Easter at Waterside with the Slick's, Burke's, Myers' & Peters'. I love Easter with everyone. We have so much fun! We laughed so hard playing games (Ellis DeGenerate!) & just being with everyone is a hoot!

Charlie is so sweet. I didn't know that I could love a nephew so much. And no Maggie, we did NOT give him Peeps (wink-wink)!

Charlie adores both Austin & Aidan and they are charmed by him also. Maggie is so good about letting them carry Charlie around (makes me nervous - but not her) & they love to play with him.

I really don't know how Janis does it. She makes it look so easy. She is wonderful! I wish I had one tenth of the patience she possesses!

School has been going well for both the boys. Report cards will come out on Friday, April 11, but Mifflin has a feature that allows parents to go on the internet and keep tabs on their kids grades. So, we already know what kind of grades Austin is getting. He is doing very well!

Aidan is doing well in school also. His teacher had them make Easter Baskets & then the Easter Bunny filled them with treats, pencils, erasers & bubbles that were SCENTED! Aidan's were grape. The children were thrilled to received their baskets.

I think the boys have around 45 days of school left and there are field days, land olympics, first grade programs, a Medieval Farewell, a 6th grade graduation (can you believe Austin will go to Jr. High next year?!?!) and many more end of the school year activities going on.

We are starting to make our plans for this summer. The boys & I will be going to Erie for an extended period of time & then Jerry will join us at the end of our vacation to attend the family reunion in Erie. We will also be going to Potter County at the beginning of August. I am just laughing to myself thinking about August already when we have so much living to do between now and then!

1 comment:

Second Grade Scoop said...

Can you send me that pic of the three of us, damn we are hot!