We had an action packed several days. This first post will be about Aidan's first grade show & the Art Show from last Thursday, May 8.
First and foremost, I must mention that Austin's Land Olympics were rained out on Thursday. He was very disappointed, as were the rest of us. Saba & Shamma had come down to see the Land Olympics festivities & when they got rained out, Austin was sure that it happened to purposely inconvenience him.
So, the next school event on Thursday was Aidan's first grade show.
We got to school around 6:20 (we had to be there by 6:30) so we could get good seats. We (Shamma, Jerry & I) got front row!
I knew the theme of the show & knew the kids were wearing red, white & blue, but everything else was a surprise. Oh wait, also knew something about a salute to veterans because Aidan had asked me earlier if Saba was in the Army. I said yes & then he said that during the show, they were going to ask all the veterans to stand. Saba told Aidan he wasn't going to stand & Aidan looked a little bewildered, but then he said he would.
Well, let me just say that I will remember this show for as long as I live. The first scene was "Fifty Nifty United States" The students from four of the first grade classes at Brecknock began to sing "Fifty Nifty United States, from the thirteen original colonies" and then they named all 50 states in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!
I was so proud of all of them! What an amazing accomplishment!
Aidan had a speaking part in Scene 5: "Rocky Top". His line was "While we are down in the south, let's visit Tennessee!"
He delivered his line perfectly! He spoke very clearly & held the microphone away from his mouth.
The last scene was Scene 9: "God Bless America". Mrs. Hart announced that they wanted honor each branch of the service and then announced each branch of the service starting with the Army. You could see Aidan watching Saba & I'm pretty sure that if Saba wouldn't have stood up, Aidan would have marched right down off that stage & made him stand up. Then all the children said "We salute you!" and they saluted and then sang "God Bless America".
Look closely...They are lined up like the flag!
Well, I had tears running down my face. It was just one of those moments. I was so proud of all of them & to have my Mom & Dad there... AWESOME! I know it meant a lot to them too.
Then it was off the Governor Mifflin Senior High School for the Charlotte Kohl Memorial Art Show. Austin has a piece of his artwork chosen to be apart of this very prestigious art exhibit.
Here is Austin with his soft head sculpture that was modeled after his father.
And here is a close up of his artwork. Austin is a very good artist & I hope he will pursue this talent he has in the future.
After we walked around the art show, we went to Mohnton Navy Yard for a late supper.
It was a terrific day!
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