The first event was the dash. Aidan started out strong, but about 10 yards before the finish line his feet got tangled up and he tumbled head over heels and then made a spectacular recovery to capture the yellow ribbon (3rd place).
The next race was the sack race and Aidan was doing really well and it looked like he was going to get second place when the boy in first place fell down & Aidan ended winning a blue ribbon for first place.
They also competed in the bean bag toss as their last individual competition and then the entire class competed against the other first grade classes in the treasure hunt, the t-shirt relay and the rubber chicken relay.
As a group they played parachute games and then were done for the day.
When they went inside, they went to the carpet in their classroom & handed out the individual awards and Mrs. Moyer took pictures of the individual groups. Then Mrs. Moyer went around the circle & asked each child what their favorite part of the day was and why it was their favorite part. When she got to Aidan, he told her that his favorite thing from the day was the sack race. I thought he would say it was his favorite thing because he got first place. I mean what boy doesn’t like to win a race. She said “Aidan, why was the sack race your favorite thing?” He replied “Because I like to jump in the sack!” I don’t know how she does it. Mrs. Moyer kept a straight face and went on to the next child. I happened to be in the classroom adjusting water bottle lids so they didn’t pop off & had to stifle a giggle.
We had a great day & can’t wait for Austin’s Land Olympics on May 28!
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