Here's a brief synopsis of the past few days events accompanied by some photos of course!
Friday, June 8 was Austin & Aidan's last day of school. Both of them had good report cards & are so glad summer vacation is FINALLY here. Also on Friday, our niece Julie graduated from high school. I was so glad that we got to attend her graduation because we had attended our other nephews & nieces ceremonies.

On Saturday, June 9, Jerry, Austin, Aidan & I went to the Crayola Factory in Easton, Pennsylvania with our niece Amy's group from RACC.
We had so much fun there. It was an interactive experience that showed you how crayons & markers were made & offered the opportunity to make many different art projects that we took full advantage of.
Austin is using the Wonder Magic Crayola Products at this station. He liked them so much that he bought some at the gift shop.
Here is Aidan using the Crayola Chalk to draw on the indoor sidewalk.
In the same building as the Crayola Factory (and for our same $9.00) there was the National Canal Museum.
The boys really enjoyed this museum because it was interactive as well. They could run their own barge, raise the wickets to let water enter and/or exit the lock, and then open the lock to push their boat in. They also saw how to harness a mule, build an aqueduct (using a keystone!), and captain their own ship on a computer program they had there.
Here is Aidan with his boat operating the locks.
One of the volunteers at the museum told us that if we wanted to see the locks in action we should go to Lockport, New York because it is a double lock on the Erie Canal.
We will have to talk to Saba & Shamma about planning an excursion there.
Here are Austin & Aidan learning about & operating the cranes.
Aidan & I with the completed aqueduct we built.
On Sunday, we went to our nieces graduation party. Amy graduated from college & Julie's high school party. It was so much fun! Jerry played horseshoes, we visited with our friends & had lots of great food!
A thunderstorm came through early in the evening and that drove us inside, but we continued the party with karaoke which was a blast! We did not get home till 11:00 last night. Thank goodness the boys were spending the night & didn't have to get up for school this morning!
On a more somber note, our friend Dave lost his battle with cancer last Wednesday, June 6. Dave was a fellow Zone 4 firefighter who was fun to be around & who will be sorely missed.
This morning, Jerry & I attended his funeral & I can honestly say it was one of the most emotional things I have ever witnessed.This is a picture of the flag that was strung between two ladder trucks. The procession went underneath it.
Our prayers are with his family.
When are you going to take me to the Crayola Factory? I could have a blast!
P.S. Tracy, your hair looks good like that!
Hi Traceeeee!!
I LOVE your blog. So great to see you and your family today. Love the pics of Austins haircut too! Thanks for always being my good friend. We've been through alot together. Oh.........OKAY! Never forget Lorraine's family! So good to see you so happy these days. Seems like happiness is going around!! Take care. Lots of Huggs, Jen
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