So we put up most of our Halloween decorations. You know how I like minimalistic, so this little bit of orange and black goodness is enough for me.
Sometimes when I see pictures of other women's Halloween decorating, I feel like I haven't done a thing! But it also makes me a little crazy to think about putting all of their stuff away!
We have a few more things to put on the front porch and I need to get pumpkins and mums, but I don't think it is in the plans for this weekend.
Jerry and the boys just left for lacrosse throw-around and the house is eerily quiet.
I may light up some autumn candles and bust out my Bible Study book. It isn't too often I get these quiet moments to myself!
Hoping everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall day and doing what they like to do. I know I am - spending time at home with my family - God is good!
Now enjoy my decorating pictures with commentary:

Some of decorations in the living room. The lanterns hanging in the windows I got at the dollar store last year. They are so cute when they are lit up.

Here's a close up of one of the lanterns.
This is the cabinet under the television.
Love my Party Lite Lantern with interchangeable panels.
The bear is from Boyd's.
I got these lovelies at Green Dragon. The above leaves/acorns are made of wood. I am anxious to go back next week & get some more. I've got ideas swimming around in my head.
Pumpkin from the same stand. It is made from tin.
Skeleton made of wood. I love skeletons!
A shot of all of them with a half dollar for size reference.
My brain is swimming with ideas as to what to do with the ones I got and the ones that I may still get. For right now, they greet you when you come in the front door.
As I get some creative ideas, I will post them. As for now, any suggestions?